Created by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, this stunning educational app uses native mobile augmented reality to bring spacecraft explorers from across the solar system to whatever space you’re in. Find a flat surface and view interactive 3D models right in front of you, scaled to table-top size or in their true-to-life proportions. Take pics with the spacecraft in your favorite environments, and explore detailed info about their fascinating missions. This tool is excellent for budding astronauts, teachers, and space enthusiasts. Bring NASA’s journey of exploration to life in the classroom, home, or anywhere.Features: Interact with 3D spacecraft models of the Curiosity rover, Opportunity, InSight, SMAP, Voyager, Juno, and Cassini, the 70-Meter Deep Space Network Antenna and more.Learn about missions that explore Earth, Mars, and beyondTrue-to-life and adjustable size interactionIn-depth information about each space missionCamera functionality